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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Unleash the Power of the Sun: Experience the Benefits of Solar Installation

Solar power is the leading renewable energy source in the UK, and for good reason. After investing in the initial installation, they will save and even make your business money. 

If you’re not convinced that solar is such a bright idea, read up on the benefits of installing commercial solar panels on the Utility Bidder’s website. 

I know what you’re thinking: the UK isn’t renowned for its sunny days. However, the landscapes are perfectly positioned for solar panel placement, and thanks to modern solar panel technology, they can harness the sun’s power even on cloudy days. 

4 Benefits Of Commercial Solar Panels

Apart from the initial installation costs, it’s nearly impossible to think of any cons to solar. Let’s take a closer look at the top four benefits of commercial solar panels: 

  • Environmental impact

Go green or go home. The UK government is urging all businesses to adopt sustainable practices to reach net zero as soon as possible. Solar might be the key to achieving that goal. 

Solar power reduces (or completely removes) a company’s dependence on burning fossil fuels to perform daily activities. This sets a fantastic example within communities and will encourage other businesses and households to move towards a more sustainable energy source. 

  • Reduces costs

By generating your power, you’ll significantly reduce your electricity bill at the end of the month. Your business might even generate enough power to sell excess energy back to the grid. To be able to do this, you’ll need to have batteries installed along with the panels to store the energy. 

Small companies using a 4kW solar setup could save up to £16,000 over two decades. More prominent firms installing 10kW systems might cut costs by roughly £2,000 annually, and those able to implement 50kW systems could benefit from yearly savings of about £10,000, assuming ideal conditions.

  • Grants and incentives

While the UK no longer offers grants for installing commercial solar panels, businesses can still benefit from two initiatives after installation. 

  • The Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) offers quarterly payments for 20 years to businesses using renewable energy for heating. 
  • The Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) allows businesses to sell unused electricity back to the grid, aiding in recouping installation costs and potentially making a profit. 

Both these schemes support businesses in transitioning to renewable energy sources.

  • Reputation

Being a sustainable business will open many doors, as many customers and other businesses are only willing to work with companies that share their values. 

A good public image is never a bad thing, and will make you a better choice among stakeholders, customers and even future employees. It’s good for the environment, your wallet and business overall. 

Shifting to Solar

The UK government aims to reach 70 GW of solar power by 2035, which is achievable with all the households in business now shifting to more renewable energy sources. 

Should your company take on solar?

As exciting as decreasing your carbon footprint sounds, you can’t just jump in head first. Like with most projects, there are a few factors you need to take into consideration before you can start. 

A proper site survey must be performed before installing panels on the roof. Don’t worry; this process might take a little time, but you can hire companies like Utility Bidder to help with the survey and transition to renewable energy. 

The site survey will include inspecting your roof, researching government incentives and analysing your utility bills. You can learn more about assessing your solar potential in three easy steps.

Choosing a solar company

Using a good company is essential; that’s why you must learn to spot a sustainable solar company to do business with. 

If you go through the effort of installing solar to reduce your carbon footprint, you want to ensure the company you’re using is doing everything possible to protect the planet. 

Some things you want to look out for are:

  • Habitat disruption, 
  • Waste production, 
  • Carbon emission.
  • Solar Installation

You also want a company with a strong track record and positive customer reviews. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, businesses can bask in the glow of a smaller carbon footprint and lower energy bills at the end of the month, by embracing solar. The future of renewable energy is as bright as the sun itself. 

The sooner you get the Solar Installation done, the sooner you can reap the benefits.

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